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The first time I saw you, my heart whispered: "That's the one."

Hi, my name is Shadow. I’m a 7 year young, mare, 14hh pony. 4 years ago, I was living in a big pasture with 45 other horses. There, I had to survive all by myself. Finding food and water every day over and over became hard because only 40 acres of land were given to me and my friends. Day after day, we got more and more hungry. Some of my friends had a very hard time. One day, someone found one of my friends that passed away in the pasture due to our living circumstances. That day, strange people entered our pasture and loaded all of us up in a big truck. 2hours later, we arrived at a stable where I was put into a small stall all by myself. I was very sad to have lost all my friends and freedom. I stood all by myself in the corner of a stall hoping to get my freedom back. After two weeks, people came to look at me. All the people passing by my stall looked very scary! I was so nervous, everyone thought I was dangerous. Luckily, Floriane came to visit me and my friends and saved me 10 hours before I was going to be sent to slaughter. My number 119 quickly changed into Shadow. After spending lots and lots of hours with Floriane and having a chance to fully grow, I learned how to take care of little kids. Can you imagine, 4 years ago I was untouchable and considered a dangerous horse and today little 2 years old ride me all by themselves!? This delightful little girl had a challenging start to life. You would never know it from the way she has bounced back! Shadow is a special horse both in and outside. She is brave, sweet, curious, and full of personality . Her two different blue eyes are very special and her white coat captures the eye of every single person who passes through her life. My favourite thing is food! Shadow got adopted by an incredible friend of mine. She got donated with my whole heart and she will always be my special girl in my heart. 




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