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Capture d’écran, le 2019-12-18 à 12.02.5

What do I want for Christmas? 
But what if they first asked me « What do I not want for Christmas? »
I don’t want any presents. I want everyone to be present, to feel loved by each other and to have a complete family they can count on every day. Be thankful for what you have and don’t worry about what you haven’t. Remember, some are fighting for their life at the moment! 

I always hear from people « My horse is "stupid", "slow", "
Every day is a new beginning for everyone. New adventures, making parts of their dream come true or for some, it’s a new beginning where they feel lost. Most horses pass from one human to another - some horsemen and women are patient and forgiving, others are rigorous and demanding, others are cruel, others are ignorant. Horses have to learn how to, at least walk, trot, canter, gallop, go on trails and maybe jump, to be treated by the vet, all with sense and good manners. If they don’t behave, they will be sent on to the next first best person. 
stubbor n", etc. » What if I say, « they might just have not gotten the chance to learn and live a life where they have gotten some love. » After, I ask them to tell me the good qualities of their horses. This question makes them stand still and think. I say, ones you found them, work and be happy with what you’ve got. And yes, everyone has great qualities! Everyone is different and unique with their own talents. The rest will follow…

For the people who know my little Shadow. I saved her not even 24 hours before she was going to be sent to slaughter. Imagine this, do you think this sweet horse deserved that? Do you think her friends do? On a Monday at 3:15pm. Yes, I was that crazy high-school kid and said to my friends « sorry, I can’t stay tonight I need to go and save a pony... » Did I care what they said? Of course, I did but saving the life of number 119, I was only able to do it once. Staying after school, I could do it every day. Making the right choices for yourself and living beings around you. This is one of the most beautiful presents you can give.

If you can’t adopt, foster.
If you can’t foster, sponsor. 
If you can’t sponsor, donate. 
If you can’t donate, volunteer. 
If you can’t volunteer, network. 
No matter how talented, rich or intelligent you are, everyone can do something to save a life! Let’s make a difference in 2020! 🌟


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